15 Years of Incredible Success
It’s 2018 – this means StopWash is celebrating 15 incredible years in business!
In only 15 years StopWash has established itself as a proud contributor towards resolving the social and economic realities faced by millions of unemployed South Africans. By providing an ongoing stream of work and earning opportunities for them, StopWash has added a ray of hope to the South African unemployment crisis.
In addition over 60 000 South Africans entrust their cars to us each month! We offer them an unbelievable car shine whilst they enjoy the convenience of extra time in their busy schedules to get on with what they really need and want to do in SA’s Premier Shopping Malls. All in all StopWash has proved to be a real winner!
So let’s raise our glasses to our 15th birthday & to a successful future of creating many more employment opportunities and shining millions of customer cars!